In today’s environment many people struggle with breaks outs and large pores due to whiteheads, blackheads and milia.
So what’s the difference between a blackhead, whitehead and milia?
For blackheads and whiteheads its Oxygen! A whitehead is closed and has not been exposed to oxygen where a blackhead has already been exposed to oxygen and is a clogged pore with dirt, oil and dead skin cells. And milia occurs when keratin gets trapped beneath the surface of the skin. Which all of these things can lead to large oversized pores. This is why regular extraction treatments are extremely important to your skin care regimen.
Here’s why it’s always a better idea to have our professionals perform your extraction treatments
We take the time to properly prep your skin with our medical grade specialized solutions that will allow us to remove and loosen the debris that may be clogging your pores in a safe manner.
In our 30 min extraction treatment your skin will be double cleansed, steamed and a specialized solution will be applied to the areas of extraction. We take the time to make sure your skin is not damaged in the process. Your skin will feel refreshed and your pores will have an improved appearance. Even after one treatment. Typically, we recommend having extractions done twice monthly for optimal results. And a series of at least 4 treatments is highly recommended.
Book today and save for the month of November!
4- 30 Min Extraction treatments for only $89
(normally $50 per treatment)